
Who We Are

Nur Lodge No. 2000 is a bilingual Lodge of Freemasons chartered on the 26th of May 2000, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons (FAAM) of the District of Columbia.

The Lodge performs the ritual in Turkish language, in Emulation form, at the Singleton Temple in Washington DC.

Its members are mainly Turks residing in Washington DC metropolitan area, Americans of Turkish heritage or in love with Turkey and interested in maintaining a close masonic link with Turkey and Turks living in Turkey and the rest of the world who frequently come to the United States for professional, academic or scientific reasons.

As a lodge, we strive to be active in our community. We have various charitable and educational events throughout the year, as well as social occasions. Some events are for members only, but many include our families.

Creation of Nur Lodge

The idea to create Nur Lodge started in 1988. There were meetings between a number of Turkish Brethren and M.W. Robert B. Heyat on this idea and eventually it became an active project of the International Relations Committee of the Grand Lodge of District of Columbia, F.A.A.M, and the Grand Lodge of Turkey. A number of meetings and discussions were conducted in the Committee and with the Grand Lodge of Turkey, and once the core officers and the founding members were identified, a petition to form the Lodge was presented to the Grand Master, M.W. Dan L. Frederick.

The first organizational meeting of Nur Lodge and installation of the officers was held on Saturday afternoon June 5, 1999.


Nur Lodge’s mission is to promote personal growth and improve the lives of others. We take responsibility for the well-being of our brothers, our families, and the community as a whole. We value respect, kindness, tolerance, and our differences – religious, ethnic, cultural, generational, and educational, and strive for harmony in our individual lives, in our lodge, and in the global community.


Nur Lodge’s mission is to promote personal growth and improve the lives of others. We take responsibility for the well-being of our brothers, our families, and the community as a whole. We value respect, kindness, tolerance, and our differences – religious, ethnic, cultural, generational, and educational, and strive for harmony in our individual lives, in our lodge, and in the global community.

"Freemasonry believes that respecting and understanding our differences is a crucial step towards building a society and a community with true harmony and peace."
Our Team

Stated Meetings

Nur Lodge No.2000 meets at 6.30 pm on the 2nd Monday of January to June and September to October in the Singleton Temple.

The Singleton Temple is located at 4441 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20016

The dress code at Nur Lodge is a dark business suit.

Traveling Brethren interested in visiting should review our Visiting Procedures in advance of their arrival.

Our Team


Nur Lodge No.2000 welcomes all visiting Masons in good standing. For visiting DC Masons, proper identification and customary examination will be sufficient. For Brethren from outside the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, we ask that they adhere to the following visitor procedure:

Prior to your visit to our lodge, please contact the lodge secretary, giving notice of your request to visit. You will be asked to provide details concerning your current lodge, and the jurisdiction under which it is chartered or warranted. Please allow sufficient time for the Secretary to properly vet your credentials, a minimum of one week’s notice is advisable. This will ensure that we can more appropriately plan for your presence and inform you of our plans for the evening in question.

Upon your arrival, you will be directed to the Senior Deacon. He will inspect your identification and perform the customary examination before you gain entrance into the Lodge. This Brother will also be responsible for introducing you to the Brethren during the meeting.


Contact Us

We welcome you to contact us for more information
about Nur Lodge No. 2000